Green Hill activists committed for trial
Fri, 26 April 2013
The thirteen activists responsible for breaking into Green Hill breeding facilities in Montichiari, Italy, on April 2012 will be committed for trial on December 10, 2013. The thirteen activists responsible for breaking into Green Hill breeding facilities in Montichiari, Italy, on April 2012 will be committed for trial on December 10, 2013.…
Animal-rights extremists wreck Milan laboratory
Tue, 23 April 2013
An animal facility at the University of Milan, Italy, was occupied at the weekend by Fermare Green Hill. Animals were taken and cage labels mixed to confuse experimental protocols. Researchers said it would take three years to redo the research into psych… An animal facility at the University of Milan, Italy, was occupied at the weekend by Fermare Green Hill. Animals were taken and cage labels mixed to confuse experimental…