Animal Liberation Front in Canadian arson
Wed, 10 June 2015
The ALF have claimed responsibility for setting fire to two trucks owned by Harlan Labs. The Animal Liberation Front has claimed responsibility for setting fire to two trucks in West Mississauga on June 7th 2015. The trucks were owned by the animal research facility…
FASEB report on Animal Rights Extremism
Mon, 24 March 2014
A new report by FASEB shows that animal rights extremists focused more on targeting individuals than research institutions in the 2000s A new report by FASEB shows that animal rights extremists focused more on targeting individuals than research institutions in the 2000s. The Federation of…
Debbie Vincent in court
Wed, 15 August 2012
Three animal rights activists were arrested in Amsterdam and London on Friday 06 July 2012 after a Europe-wide probe into blackmail linked to animal rights extremism. Three animal rights activists were arrested in Amsterdam and London on Friday 06 July 2012 after a Europe-wide probe into blackmail linked to animal rights extremism…